MIK300FIN (Mikkeli)

Zenith path delay time series


  • Show time series of Zenith Path Delay (ZPD) parameters derived from the EPN-repro2 solution


  • Combination of daily SINEX TRO files of the individual LACs solutions on a weekly basis
  • Weak ZPD estimates of LACs solutions are excluded because of a standard deviation exceeding 15 mm
  • Outliers of the input solutions are excluded before the combination
  • Site-specific solutions of a single LAC eliminated for particular days if the standard deviation of the series exceeds 20 mm
  • ZPD values of the combined solution exceeding a standard deviation of 10 mm were investigated for outliers


  • Results from GPS weeks 834 (1996) until 1824 (2014) are based on EPN-repro2 results
  • Note that the number and composition of the LACs contributing to the combined solution for this station may differ between reprocessing and routine operation.